Behind the Scenes: Shooting a Surprise Proposal at Midnight

come with me to shoot a surprise proposal okay I gotta be like super awake so first stop at Starbucks there’s three shots of espresso in here and I’m ready to roll okay fine there’s like pumpkin spice and other stuff in here too okay looks like about hour 15 drive so we gotta get rollin okay just got here those most stressful drive and I’m doing ballet parking now because I’m just over it but we got our camera bag we hydrated and I’m ready to go shoot this proposal okay t minus 45 minutes till the big event I know you think I’m crazy because I’m here so early but I just get so stressed about proposals I’m like I need to be an hour and a bit early but parking was been a venture so that shaved off some time and now I’m just gonna get a lay of the land and be all set I never had I never had alright it’s now 12:00am and I’m home in bed and what a night I feel like I’m on such a high from the amazing proposal gonna be sharing results in the morning so stay tuned cause I am so excited to go through those and get them their sneak peeks