Behind the Scenes: The Thrilling World of Picture Cars in TV and Movies

Yeah, these cars are pretty cool, but because they are TV and movie cars, there’s a lot of prep that you don’t see. Alright, so this is Jason Geiger and he’s a picture car coordinator. Jason, what is a picture car? A picture car is anything that’s a vehicle featured on screen in a TV show or movie. So where do you get these cars from? I mean, sometimes we’re pulling these out of the woods or some barn and just bringing them into the shop and getting working to make sure that they’re ready for the shoot. Hey, y’all. Head picture car mechanic Benjamin Boyle, known as Bender. What’s the most challenging part of what you do? The creative process changes. And so on the day, any moment, they might ask the car to do something that we thousand dollar, thousand percent didn’t prep for, as far as a burnout or a gag like that. But we have a. We have our ways and tools, so we usually make the give them what they want. All right, so theoretically, if you’re doing a heist, which one of these cars would you pick? Oh, that’s a tough one. I mean, of course, I’d be thinking about how fast I can get away. But also I’d be thinking about how much I look like I just belong and I’m cruising through to make sure I’m a little incognito. All right, Bender, which car would you take in a heist? The one with the biggest motor. The Chevelles ready for action. And the fastest one to get out of get out of trouble. As for me, I’d probably take the cop car because hopefully no one would expect it. Be sure to check out Fight Night million Dollar Heist streaming only on Peacock September 5th!