Mischievous Conversations with John and Madison: Fortnite, Muffins, and Drunken Shenanigans

Hello? Hi, Madison. This is John from John breaks bad news. I have some bad news from Jacob for you. You’re horrible at Fortnite and your only wins are against bots. Also, muffin is going to eat a toddler if you don’t get her trained. Hahaha! What is wrong with you? That’s funny. It’s like an automated thing. No, it’s not automated. I’m a real life person. And I’m drunk. Hi, John. Hi, Madison. Hahaha! What the fuck? Thanks for letting me out. What? Why is your dog so bad? She’s not that bad. He just. She’s. He just thinks that he is. She is. Well, it sounds pretty bad if they’re gonna eat a. A human baby. He’s not gonna eat a human baby. She loves people, okay? He’s just like. She’s a Pitbull. He. He doesn’t like pitbulls. Oh, that’s definitely gonna eat a human baby. Haha. Have you seen the statistics? They’re killing machines. Haha. It’s a mix. It has a Boston terrier in it. Oh, okay. Yeah, it’s a baby, so it’s a. It’s also. It’s. So it’s part vicious killer, part idiot dog. Yeah. All right. All right. I love you. All right, I love you too. Bye. Bye. Bye. Is this an animated thing?