College Crunch Chronicles: Nostalgia and Ramen Rescues

It’s the first week of school and I already made a terrible mistake with my schedule. I scheduled two three hour lecture classes right next to each other and I only have a 30 minute break in between. Your girls gotta eat, so I gotta go home and make a quick meal. It’s a Maruchan type of emergency. I’m gonna be making some instant ramen because it takes five minutes and it’ll keep me full for a long lecture. As you can see, I have so many of these cause they’re only like 69 cents each. I like to only add half a flavor packet and some extra toppings to round out the meal. Maru Chan has been that girl. Whenever I’m in a college crunch, it specifically gives me nostalgia from freshman year. I come back from a party at like 2:00am, all the restaurants are closed, but you know who’s still available? Miss Maru Chan. This is actually really good. I’m off to my next class. I’ll let you know if I change my schedule and I’ll see you in the next vlog.