Title: Confusion over the pronunciation and meaning of Lenovo

Do you know what a LA. What’s it called? A lavono. Yeah. Do you know what a lavono is? A lavono. Is she saying it right? Am I saying it right? I did say trace May and then Lenovo. Huh? A Lenovo. Oh, Lenovo. A Lenovo. Is it. Is it a. It’s like a. Can you use it in a sentence? A Lenovo. It’s not a Lenovo. Yes, yes. It’s one word. No, you’re right. It’s a. A singular Lenovo. Yeah. What is what a singular Lenovo is? Isn’t it a computer brand? Okay, yeah, that’s really funny. It’s a very cheap computer. You don’t know? No. He hasn’t had a computer in 20 years. I thought it was a South Korean car company. Haha. They got that new SUV coming out. Yeah, well, no, it’s a. Them and Kia, they’re always going out. Yeah, this shit is big time. Who is Randy? Don’t bring anyone loving to this. Your mama in the fucking sand.