The Absurdity of Taking Retail Jobs Too Seriously: A Tale of Price Matching and Online Discounts

some of y’all take your jobs way too seriously because tell me why yesterday I had to go and buy a new fan because mine broke the fan was 50% off online and they had them in store and the store also does price matching tell me why when I got to the cash register the lady tells me that she can’t apply the discount because I have to buy it online and pick it up I looked her in the face and said so I have to put this back go order it online and then come back to pick it up and she said yes I stuttered I literally was stuttering and then she goes just go to customer service I was in customer service for less than 2 minutes I showed them the website they went yep looks good to me applied the discount and I went home why are we white knighting a multi billion dollar company over a now 20 dollar fan I promise you you’re not getting a raise let alone a pizza party because you tried to get me to pay more for something that they were offering for 50% off