Outsmarted by Snapchat AI: Unraveling the Mystery of the League of Nations Founding Members

I’m a history teacher, and today in class, in front of all my students, I got outsmarted by Snapchat AI. Let me show you how I give my students these questions. Specifically, number four, asking them for the 48 members of the league of Nations. They could go look it up any way they want. The way that one of my students wanted to use it was Snap AI, which I had never used before, and I thought was stupid. Snap AI said, um, are you sure there’s 48? There are actually 42 founding member states. And then asking Snap AI, are you sure? My teacher keeps saying it’s 48. Explain why he’s wrong. Had a great explanation why there were only 42 when it started. By the end of the year, it was up to 48. So we had to settle the debate with perplexity AI, my favorite search tool, gave it this nice prompt up here. How many founding members? My teacher says this, my Snap AI says that. Which one’s right? And can you give me good sources to help us settle this debate? And perplexity explained with good sources why I was wrong and Snap AI was correct. So Snapchat AI was smarter than me today.