Dining Drama: A Date Night to Remember

Give me your credit card under the table. Why would I do that? So it looks like I paid for. I have a reputation to maintain at this restaurant. What about the reputation you have to maintain with me? Relationships out there. Anyways, I really don’t care. Can you stop talking? I’m trying to eat and leave, so. Yeah. Have a good night, though. Can we not talk for the rest of the date? That would be great. What about when we order dessert? You want me to just order whatever I want to order? I think there was only, like, two things on the dessert menu. Can you just order both of them? Thank you. Like, don’t talk to me, though. Thank you. This salad is so fire. He’s not even that famous. Like, guys, do you even know who I am? I don’t know who she’s talking to. She doesn’t want to talk to me who she’s talking to. Guys, this is the best salad. I told him it’s under your name. I told him you’re taking me out. Are you talking? I’m confused. I’ve never been on a date like this where the guy does not stop talking. I’ve never been on a date where the guy has to pay. Do you go out with guys normally? I’m confused. You don’t have a trust fund? Like, I thought you were rich. I am, but I don’t wanna pay for it. You told me you were from Ethiopia. You told me you come from a wealthy family and you are in the United States. Yeah, hanging out. That’s literally what’s happening right now. Why can’t you pay for it? I don’t do that. I would pay for it mine, but I don’t get till I’m 35. Wait, I thought you were eighty