Miraculous Reunion: The Incredible Journey of Sam the Survivor Cat

I searched and searched the woods. I asked everybody that lived around us, and nobody saw him. But he’s a survivor. He’s a survivor. And I’ve been telling everybody. You’re not gonna believe what happened to me. I got a call from Charleston Animal Society, and I thought they were playing a joke, but they said they had my cat. I said, there’s no way. He’s been gone 11 years. They said, yeah, he’s chipped with your name on him. I said, I’m coming to get him. So he wasn’t that far from home? He wasn’t? No. Maybe, like, less than half a mile. Oh, my word. He’s just been running the town. Sam! Hey, Kitty cat. Sam, things just, like. Just don’t happen like this all the time. You were so special.