Cleaning Out My Car: Uncovering the Unexpected Treasures and Memories of Family Adventures

I’m about to go do one of the tasks that you guys hate on me for the most, but we’re doing it anyway. You hate on my wife. Then we’re cleaning out my car. And it is a doozy this time. Like, it’s real bad. You ready for this? Yeah. That is a smashed Pop Tart. Lots of blankets from our last trip. Motorcycle side baskets for things that need to go in the house. This is my son’s cow. Blankets galore. There’s also a bunch of towels in here from the beach. Cause we immediately got home from a trip and my best friend was like, hey, we’re at the beach. And I was like, okay, who cares about the mess, so we’re coming too. There’s also tons of sweatshirts in here because we were like hiking. There’s a lot of sweatshirts in here. Backpack, towel, other sweatshirts, shoe. These snacks are sealed. They’re so good. It’s also sealed. These are our beach snacks. Okay, look, another backpack. Alright, now I pick up all the garbage. We went to Costco on the way home. And why am I always finding rocks in my vehicle? Um, yeah. Ah, my kids love these for the car. Oh, we also went to Dairy Queen at some point on this road trip. Ice pack. I don’t know why there’s so many cords in here. Got another pillow. Oh, there’s the. The pizza box. Oop. Okay. I knew this would get embarrassing quick. We Had a good time, I promise. Shoe box. We went shoe shopping. Lots of clothes. A puppy, some mermaids, pizza crusts, towel. Couple more shoe boxes. Oh, these are the shoes that my third grader picked out for her school. Shoes. How cute are those? Apparently they didn’t make it in the house yet. My daughter’s purse. Fuck, we’re almost done here already. Swim suit. Another swimsuit. More cords. Squirt gun. A bowl. Sock. Another freaking rock. Okay, that’s about it back here. We’re on to the front seat. A puppy and a bear. Backpack. My daughter’s new lunch box. A bunch of pop came in this and it’s still in my car. Sock. A water bottle. And mostly just some garbage down here. And some bug spray. That can stay. You never know. Alright, here’s everything that came out of there. I’m gonna go bring this in the house for the kids to deal with. And I’m gonna give the vehicle quick vacuum and I’ll show you what it looks like. Alright. It’s as good as it. Getting ready for tomorrow’s adventures.