Limitless Possibilities: Overcoming Injury and Embracing Freedom

When I first got hurt, I felt useless. I felt like I couldn’t even like, you know, give myself my, a, a bath, right? So it’s just like, you just learn like there’s things you can, there’s like more to it than just being hurt and that everything’s open. So like you can, you know, you don’t have to limit yourself. Like it’s all mindset. So this one teammate of mine, Jamie, we both have essentially the same disability and she made, uh, she made fun of me because I didn’t want to go over to my ex’s house because it had way too many stairs. And she’s like, look at your arms. All you have to do is stay angled back, dude. She can hold you angled back and you just pull, boom, open up my whole world. All of a sudden, places with stairs then become so anxiety filling. You know, you guys, like the people who took care of you after being injured, like they teach you that you should get babied and how to get babied and this is how you need to like take care of yourself and all that. Yeah, exactly right. Just like, like you just said, like an entourage and stuff like that, right? But like once you get into this community and you realize, yeah, that like not everyone’s like that and stuff like that, you just, uh, I think we just come from different situations and different, um, like they, Were injured. They had their ability. I’d never had the ability other than what I was given. I used to think this world was so restricting and like things were like holding me back and like I couldn’t do this because of that. When I first started playing, it just felt like it wasn’t so restricting anymore.