Debunking LLC Tax Myths and Looking at the Potential Tax Savings of an S Corporation

Llcs do not help you save on taxes. I’m so tired of having to have this conversation, but the internet today is hearing that. Set up LLC. Set up LLC. That’s cool for asset Protection. Carter, for once we are on the same page. Totally agree. Lls do not have an inherent tax saving ability. They do provide asset Protection, but on their own don’t save anything on taxes. But bro, what you need is a S corporation because S Corp actually help you save on tax. Yeah for sure. Electing S corp status will definitely help you save on taxes by controlling the amount of self employment tax or FICA taxes that you’re paying. If you’re making over $50,000 in a year in your business, need to have an ESCORP cause it’s gonna help you save tens of thousands of dollars in self employment taxes. And you lost me. You’re definitely not gonna save tens of thousands of dollars, especially if you’re only just making over fifty thousand dollars in your business. And the reason for this is? Because if I make just over fifty thousand dollars in my business, I’m not even gonna pay ten thousand dollars in self employment tax. Only about 70 2 hundred. You might be thinking, well, 7,000 is pretty close to 10K, and you know, if you’re saving $7,000, it’s pretty sweet. But you’re not saving $7,000. You’re only saving the delta between what you would have paid in self employment tax and What you paid in FICA taxes on the wage you would have paid yourself in the S corporation. Let’s say it was $30,000. That means you would only end up saving about $2,600 by switching over to an escrow at that level of income. Now, maybe at about 200 $250,000 of business income, could I see you saving about 10,000 or maybe a little over ten thousand dollars in Social Security and Medicare taxes? Tens of thousands of dollars require hundreds of thousands of dollars of business income for you, at least in terms of self employment taxes saved. So if you’re ever looking to make the switch over to S corporation solely for tax saving purposes, do make sure that you can have that account provide you with an estimate on how much tax you’re going to save, what additional cost you’re going to incur switching over to the S corp, and see if monetarily that makes sense for you to do.