Unlocking Your Musical Potential: The Power of Taking Lessons

take lessons this is one of the most valuable things you can do to bring your music to a higher level I can’t count the number of times even relatively high level artists have hit me up and been like bro I took three lessons and my entire musical world changed because sometimes it’s not even just about learning music theory although that’s really really important sometimes it’s just about having a really talented person give you a little bit of perspective on how they approach the instrument and when it comes to vocalists taking a few lessons is crucial to like protecting your health because there’s so many vocalists who screwed up their lives not just their music but their entire lives because they weren’t singing properly and now they have like vocal polyps or some horrible crap before you say oh well I’m afraid lessons will limit my natural creativity or Paul McCartney didn’t take lessons like first of all you’re not Paul McCartney second by taking lessons even just one a month or a couple a year you’re broadening the palette of what can be possible with your music it can just turn you on to new ideas which really helps follow for more DM for private consultation