Unexpected Surprises and Optical Illusions: A Reminder to Stay Alert

Alright, what do you got? Okay, we got a couple guys, couple ladders. Wait a minute, is he standing on top? No, he’s standing on top of the damn thing. That can’t be OSHA. Somebody get ocean on the phone, stat! Seriously though, we’re gonna watch them get messed up. What happening here? Is it gonna fall or. I can’t. I don’t wanna watch. Jesus. Freak. What? Let me say it one more time. Bet you didn’t see that coming. Neither did I. Yep. One of those optical illusions. Can’t always believe what you’re seeing. Mom plays tricks on you. Something like that. But anyway, speaking of optical illusions, you know that pile of laundry that you have sitting there? It’s not one of those. You. You should probably fold your laundry. And oh, also, um, your dog that you let let out just a little bit ago, it’s still outside. You forgot to let it in. So you should probably do that. And before I go, given the season that we’re in right now, um, there’s gonna be a lot of optical illusions. Don’t believe everything you see and you hear. Okay? Let me tell you a secret. Come here. They’re trying to get us to hate each other. Don’t let them win. Okay? Alright. Happy Friday.