Top 5 Must-See Movies: From Titty Twisters to City of Dreams

Top 5 must see movies No. 5 is twisters. Or as I call it, Titty Twisters. It’s the sequel to the old school blockbuster movie and it’s just a fun old school nostalgic movie. Super fun in the summer. You don’t have to think a lot, just go and let it blow you away. Get it? Blow twister. They don’t really blow, but whatever. Number four I’m giving to Nosferatu. I know this movie isn’t out yet, but have you seen the trailer? And Nosferatu is the scariest dude on the planet. Like this is gonna be the horror movie of the year. Robert Edgar’s is gonna just take this one to a new level. No. 3 Deadpool and Wolverine. This movie rekindled the excitement of Marvel movies that has just slowly been like declining over the last few years. People really like Deadpool that think he’s funny. I kind of find him annoying, but whatever. If it’s your thing, go see it. Number two is city of dreams. Now this movie was released today, August 30th. It’s all about the forced child labor industry, which is a horrible, horrible thing. Like come on people, this isn’t the 1930s MGM anymore. You can’t pump Judy Garland full of pills and expect her to perform. You know what I mean? Like we gotta put a stop to this garbage. If you like this list and want more about other nonsense, follow me. Leave me a comment with the movie you must see Go see city of dreams. And actually, number one, I’m gonna leave up to you. Dear viewers. Tell me what movie to see and I will try and comment back to you. Thanks.