Building Dreams: An Update on Our Slow-Progressing House Project and LA Ventures

Y’all keep commenting on, like, every single video what happened to the house we’re building. So my last update, probably back in April, and quite literally, the house has been at a standstill. There’s pretty much like, no update, which is why I haven’t really shared, because there’s been nothing to share. So let me explain the LA thing. We got a place in LA just because we go so often, and it just got tiring staying in hotel tells each time, and I want to be able to bring the boys when we come, so it just felt right. Not necessarily move there, just have a place for when we’re there. So that’s the tea on us going to LA. House is still building. It’s just very slow. Plenty uncensored, I want to say. We’ve been building this house, doing this process for, like, two years now. Not building the house, but we got the land, like, two years ago at this point, so it feels like it’s going so slow, but apparently it should. We’re moving along now. It’s like there’s so many moving pieces when you’re building a house. Like, you have designers, you have architects, you have landscapers, and then you have to make your own decision. Just a never ending process, it feels like. Anyway, here’s my outfit of the day, cause we’re gonna go check out the house. Like, this is perfect for unpaved surfaces. So I still have to figure out what bag I’m gonna wear. But anyways, I’ll post the house update next.