Three-Way Chocolate Chip Cookie Challenge: Easy, Medium, and Hard Recipes Compared in Blind Taste Test!

We’re doing it again. We’re gonna do one dessert with three different recipes, an easy recipe, a medium level recipe and then a hard recipe all based on how many steps or ingredients it has. I bet you can guess what we’re gonna be making this time we’re doing chocolate chip cookies. I wore my brown shirt for this. I don’t think you can really go wrong with any chocolate chip cookies, but they do take a different amount of time. Easy recipe I’m gonna do was like a half an hour start to finish cookie recipe. The medium one will be my famous brown butter chocolate chip cookie recipe and then for the hard recipe, we’re gonna be using two different types of flour, cooled down brown butter and we’re gonna let it chill in the fridge for way longer. We’re gonna see if the juice is worth the squeeze when it comes to making chocolate chip cookies. I personally think that the medium recipe is going to win. It’s like the best of both worlds, but we’ll see. We’re gonna do a blind taste test with Quinn’s family at the end and we’ll see which one wins. I personally think that the medium recipe will win. It’s got the best of both worlds, but we’re gonna do a blind taste test with Quinn and his family on the weekend to find out for sure. Which one do you guys think is gonna win? Do you think it’s really Worth chilling your cookie batter for like 72 hours before you bake them. Such a commitment. I hope those ones don’t win. When we did the brownies the other week, it was the medium ones that won. So maybe the pattern will continue. We made brownies three ways the other week and it was the medium recipe that won. So I feel like that pattern may continue again this week. Leave your guesses in the comments and also tell me what else you wanna do. A 3 recipe challenge on. I’m kind of addicted now. I’ll post each cookie with the recipe and the step by step instructions and then I’ll post the taste test slash results. And I’ll try to do it as fast as I can. But honestly it takes time to edit these things. I’m excited. Also, if you haven’t tried the medium brownie recipe yet, you’re missing out. And you should go check out. I’ll put it in this playlist. So go check it out. Let’s make some cookies. You’re welcome.