Unlocking the Secrets to Attractiveness: A Guide for Men

What do men need to do to be more attractive? I think they can learn to dress better. I think that they can take care of their physical fitness. For some men, it’s as basic as hygiene. I think it’s also really important to learn how to talk. The most vulnerable organ in a woman to seduction is her mind. Is her brain. Like, that is her biggest erogenous zone. And if you can learn to talk to a woman in a way that women will listen and respond to, you’ll be able to do all kinds of things and have all kinds of relationships. It’s a lot about vibing. Like, feminine communication is very different from masculine communication. I’m staying away from men and women because obviously men and women can do both. But masculine communication is about the conveyance of information using semantic words. I know that the message has been received. If you can more or less summarize that message back to me, it’s like I understood the content of what you said. Transmission complete. Right. Feminine communication is very different. It’s more like emotional resonance. And communication has been received. When I can succeed in provoking in you a comparable or analogous emotional experience, the one that I went through or I’m currently in. You can think of it like tuning forks. One of them is vibrating. Bring another one up to it, it will start vibrating at the same frequency as well. And that’s when You know that the communication has been received and that’s really important for men to understand because that leads to a lot of disagreements and arguments between men and women in their long term relationships.