The Unexplainable Emotional Impact of Mitski’s ‘I Bet on Losing Dogs’ Lyrics: A Personal Reflection

This thing happens to me every single time I say the lyrics to I bet on losing dogs by Mitski, not singing it or even reading it, just saying the lyrics out loud, I will cry immediately. And it’s the weirdest thing. Like it’s such an instant reaction. I fully don’t feel it coming. I’m fully like, I’m not gonna cry this time and I will cry without fail. I was trying to tell my friend that this happens the other day and she goes, what are the lyrics? I gotta say them immediately. I’m crying. I’m like, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why this is happening. Like, yes, the lyrics are very sad, but like, do you know what I think it is? I think that my brain is taking them. I think that I’m taking it very literal. I think I’m thinking of actual dogs. Like I’m not thinking of it as a metaphor. I’m thinking, oh my God, there’s a dog that’s losing and she’s sitting there with the dog. She’ll be there on its side while it’s losing, looking at its eyes while it’s, oh my God. That is sadder to me than like a toxic relationship. Like what I think what she was intending.