Pickleball Practice Mix-up: A Comedy of Scheduling Errors

What are you guys doing? Well, uh, I thought we reserved this room for pickleball practice earlier this week, but this is a classroom. Pretty sure I have the date and time scheduled right here, but the rec center doesn’t have access to the. You’ve got a tournament this weekend raising money for the dog shelter. there’s no way we’re gonna let you guys play pickleball in a classroom while class is in session. The user. Yes, the user and their algorithm. Specifically. Like, yeah, who. Who it. Who they are, where they are. I’ll did the reading, which, of course, I know you did. Who can tell me what you Learned about the covalent bonds as they relate to aldehyde compounds? Yeah, methoxide bonds generally exhibit different reactivity than T base oxide bond. No, hydroxy fluorinated is very difficult to act. Oh, I know. The sound is so annoying. 2. Um. It’s like, my first time doing this, guys. I wasn’t really ready. But we’re gay.