Engaging Conversations: A Day at the Shop

hahaha thank you thank you I’m so sorry ha ha sound of your lips held like a fist come crashing with me you you still at the top of the bed how these things changes I still recall the day that I met you were with in your calico dress and out of all the things that I bring uneven uneven thank you I remember what you’re talking about so why are you at the house mom alone kicks me out why my eyes are free I see the next thing I should be say what I put your hand God I can smell it from here you’re on the way look um my parents don’t get home from work so I’m 5 so if you wanna shower or wash clothes or I don’t mind your enthusiasm is contagious oh my God hey thanks for the clothes yeah of course my dad won’t even know they’re gone he doesn’t usually wear jeans much my parents aren’t gonna be home for an hour or so if you wanna watch TV or something so uh what do you wanna do after you graduate I’m um signed up to go to basic training in my basic training what is no worries oh oh I’m sorry um I’m sorry it’s just that the clothes my dad’s clothes they make you kind of look like a planters a little your clothes gonna make you look like a carrot mom if it doesn’t work out mom you do know a challenge I’ve been excited I I I said if of our sales statistics Mom Mom what makes you think it’s not gonna work out a whopping 45% of all mom are you reading this from Google of course I am how would I know that I’m worried about you Google is worried about you well you’re both too late I’m picking up the keys now okay okay okay mom you sound crazy I’ll talk to Google hi I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I just moved here good luck thank you I hope I hope hi hello hi oh sorry I’m so sorry no sorry I can’t I’m waiting here you are can I help you can I help you excuse me the help wanted sign out front you have a help wanted sign out oh God I’m so sorry yeah I didn’t I didn’t put that out there I just yeah I figured it’s pretty old and I walk by this place every day and I’m just obsessed with it I’ve always wanted to see inside and I was wondering like who’s gonna come along and it’s you yeah it’s me yeah hi are you the owner yeah I’m I’m Lily Alyssa nice to meet you sorry oops disgusting hi nice to meet you ha ha yeah oh yeah are you looking for any help well I’m not hiring just yet I just um I just got the keys a few days ago and I’m so sorry you know figuring out what I’m doing um so may I just ask what is this place going to be a flower shop I’m so sorry um I have an issue with my face says it all I just hate flowers you hate flowers I do oh okay like why don’t you just give me something that’s living rather than something that’s on its way to dying and then it’s gonna create more work for me and I’m gonna have to deal with that but again it’s a solo perspective it’s I find flower shops depressing it’s just me I do wish you luck I’m so sorry I agree I find them depressing because I feel like I know it’s like the beauty of what a flower is this ridiculous the beauty of what a flower is has been lost right it’s it’s um it’s like we order them a takeout now it’s it’s yes right you know so it’s what you’re talking about it’s highlighting the pain and the attention and the you know I feel it’s fleeting and storytelling and I know that’s actually what I found beautiful about it so I’m trying to do here so that’s absolutely beautiful and if that’s what you’re doing yeah yeah sign me up wonderful thanks well um yeah I really do wish you the best thank you um I’ll just be working around in the neighborhood I made my first customer yeah so gorgeous yeah hi hey I I don’t know this oh I do need help do you want a job this is exactly what I wanted to happen to me when I walked in here yes oh god okay wonderful great um I have to be out by five PM tonight I do have a dinner tonight yeah I just started working here okay great I’m gonna just need to wipe off the surface for this girl thank you so much the real Ghostbuster situation in here huh hey oh wait a minute oh did you see that oh my God it’s so tired oh my God I can’t let go this isn’t love for free but you can give them to the bird and bees that’s what I want that’s what I want that’s what I want that’s what I want that’s what I want that’s what I want you’re like Doctor Frankenstein flowers we got it we got it I don’t have it hold on my husband’s calling here we go can I ask him to help us yes please genius at it no no not at all where you at sweetheart where are you I’m at the shop with my boss and we need some help hanging something up I don’t like when you say boss you should be the boss let’s just buy the place to make you the boss you’re on speaker oh yeah hi I want you to know that they’re gonna be wearing onesies because the bar gives free beer to the people who wear onesies to the Bruins game but they don’t always wear that yeah yeah yeah oh my God babe you are dying can you bring my brother into wait I can’t take responsibility for either of the people who are about to come in here just so you know hi hey this is Lily hi Lily hi this is my husband Marshall that’s my brother Ryle hi hi hi Lily Lily will mm hmm yes you guys know each other no a little bit no we we met a few months ago we shared each other’s naked truths eww oh that’s uh no that’s that is that is that is that is that is that is that is that is no I mean that was just we just talk your life that’s what we’re calling these days we talk cause we talk okay one you talk like three to five times a week can I show you the work that I’ve done here no no no you guys we can talk tonight you can hang this you guys don’t okay we meet again it’s good to see you