Title: Recap and Analysis of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s First Televised Interview with Dana Bash on CNN

All right, players, now I’m gonna go ahead and keep it a stack with you. I’m kind of pissed to the highest level of festivity that Dana Bash did not ask Kamala about this whole Mickey D’s debacle. Why didn’t she list Mickey D’s experience on her resume? Was she ashamed? I declare it was a disgrace. Y’all go ahead and grab your tea and have a seat. I’m just playing for those of you who be taking me serious even though I was laughing. I declare what a disgrace. But y’all grab a tea, have a seat. Let’s talk about the first interview. So, as we all know, tonight, Kamala and, uh, Tim Walz did their very first televised interview together with Dana Bash on CNN. So they talked about a plethora of things. The first question that Dana Bash asked Kamala was what would be her top priority on day one if she was to win the election. Uh, she responded that she would strengthen the middle class by outlining an economic agenda to bring down the cost of everyday goods. They talked about fracking. Kamala Harris reiterated that she has no intention of banning fracking. Uh, she said that she’s been clear about that since the debate in 2020. Like, I don’t know. I hate when people ask this question, but Dana Bash went there. She said to Kamala, you have been vice president for three and a half years. The steps you’re talking about now, why Haven’t you done them already? I guess it’s a pertinent question for Dana because this is a question that a lot of people have. And I loved Kamala’s answer. She talked about, uh, they had to fix and recover the economy and uh, they, uh. The Biden administration added uh, millions, uh, millions of jobs, brought back manufacturing, lowered the price of, uh, prescription drugs and also lowered inflation. Is the lowest that it’s been in three years now, under 3%. So she talked about that and the accomplishments of the Biden administration. I thought it was a great answer. They talked about the border. We all know that’s a hot button topic. And Kamala said that she will enforce, uh. The laws at the southern border uh. As president. And uh, she also said there should be consequences for illegal border crossings. She also took that opportunity to point out that frumpy dump killed that bipartisan, uh, border deal. Tim Wallace was also asked a few questions uh. Where he, uh. Defended his military statement, saying that uh. His grammar uh. Can sometimes be called into question. Dana also asked him about mixing up the IVF and IUI. As we all know, Republicans really went after him regarding that little snafu. Snafu. And he basically said, the one thing I’ll tell you is this. I wish in this country we wouldn’t have to do this. I spoke about our infertility issues because it’s hell and families know this. And I spoke about the treatments that were available to us, that had those beautiful children there. I want to apologize for speaking passionately. Whether it’s about weapons in schools, are protecting reproductive rights. Perfect answer. Kamala stated that she was at home on that Sunday when President Biden decided to drop out of the race. He called her while she was having pancakes and playing games with her, with her family. And, uh, she said that she asked him, are you sure? And he said yes, and that’s what he said, that he would be, uh, endorsing her to be his replacement. And I also asked Kamala about frumpy dumps, questioning of her, uh, racial identity, and I feel like it was a perfect answer. She basically said, look, this is more of the same. And, um, I think that she did very well on that answer, uh, considering the fact that some people are saying that she’s playing identity politics, when Kamala has never once pointed out that she was, uh, black or that she was a woman. So let’s nip that in the bud real quick. And finally, they were both asked about these viral moments at the, uh, DNC, the one with Kamala and her niece, and she said that it was a very powerful photo, and her niece had a lot to say about it. Tim Wallace was also asked about this viral moment with his son Gus, and, of course, he gushed about his baby. And I loved it. All in all, this was a great interview. Um, many people have been complaining that it wasn’t live. Uh, according to CNN, they aired it, uh, unedited. So I don’t understand what the complaint is, but people gonna complain. Honey, you can’t please everybody. But in any event, it was a great interview. I felt like a Kamala and Tim did a fantastic job. And in my opinion, they moved the goal post. Uh, they. They really showed up and showed out. So let’s see what continues to come out in the Washington and ranching. All right, players, put your thoughts in the comments. Let me know what you’re thinking. This is your girl double D mobile, reporting once again for the black community.