Title: Baby Girl: Nicole Kidman’s Sizzling New Film Sparks Hot Buzz and Intrigue

Nicole Kidman has a new movie coming out which is being called the steamiest movie of the year. The film’s name is Baby Girl, and it’s about Nicole Kidman, who starts an affair with a much younger man played by Harris Dickinson. Antonio Banderas is also in the movie and is directed by Bodies, Bodies, Bodies director Helena Wray. The film just had its Venice premiere, and a lot of people are saying Nicole Kidman lets her freak flag fly or it is the hottest movie of the year. And Nicole Kidman herself has said after she did this movie, she thought to herself, what have I just done? She’s nervous about sharing it. This is something you do and hide in your home videos. Well, I want to see it. I want to see it now. Whatever cloud I may have gathered by being a big Nicole Kidman Stan, I want to use that. The movie slated to come out on December 25, I think. I don’t think I can wait that long. So anybody who is marketing this movie, remember me when y’all do that influencer screening, please. And if you need someone to promote the film, I’m right here. Anyways, she looks so good, mother.