Balancing Training and Relaxation on Holiday: Finding the Right Approach

Training whilst on holiday has conflicting opinions. Some would say take a break, but my thinking was, why take a break from something that improves my day? On holidays you literally do whatever you like, whether that’s chilling out, drinking or going to a gallery. They’re all done for enjoyment. And I do get enjoyment from running, so I didn’t feel the need to stop. I know that if I wake up and run first thing, I’ll have a better day. Obviously. Beforehand I might not be in full agreement with that statement, but after 15 minutes, it’s all good. When I’m at home, I do harder sessions and double sessions, but I didn’t want to train twice in a day. There was an abundance of other things I’d rather do later on in the day. Hey, I personally didn’t want to completely stop with my training, but I’d feel even weirder doing my normal routine. A turn down approach and a midpoint between the two work best for me.