The Dark Truth Behind Scientology: Manipulation, Control, and Controversy

Like all self-respecting sects, Scientologists practice surgery, that is, we impose on all adept at cutting all contact with the people who are judged suppressive people, including family members. If your mother or child decides to leave the sect, you are not allowed to see or talk to him. This person must disappear from your life. And be careful, to leave the organization is not easy. Scientology is accused of using tactics as to reduce to silence the criticisms of former members. The testimonies show caution, surveillance and intimidation directed against those who leave the organization or who oppose it. And finally, when you stay there, it’s not joy either. Some children of scientologists are involved in the si-organization, the si-organ, 1 religious order of scientology, where they can be put to work as early as their adolescence. They are often asked to sign long-term contracts, even for life, and they are subject to rules strict and 1 workload very important, difficult working condition, lack of access to 1 real education. Many former members testified after leaving the church. Obviously, Scientology has been the subject of many investigations and legal actions in various countries. In France, it has been recognized as 1 sect by several parliamentary reports. In two thousand and nine, Scientology has been condemned to swindle in a gang organized by a French court. In the United States, She has the status of religion and therefore tax exemption. She was investigated by the FBI on allegations of human traits and forced labor notices. Although these investigations did not result in convictions, many former scientologists have spoken up to denounce the abuse of which they have been victims. Books, documentaries and TV shows have been products to outline the organization’s practices.