Culinary Chaos: A Race Against Time in the Kitchen

Close up now. Oh my God. I was way more sellers over there. Oh, oh, good. Wow, your smudge clog is burning over there. It’s already hard. You gotta simulate. You think that’s the best way?

Well, this is gone. Great. Oh, no, just gotta get my egg poached cuz we don’t know that. I should not leave egg for the last minute and I’m running out of time to poach this.

Egg. I’ve never made certain national for. So I’m hoping that like when I’ve listed up, it doesn’t just turn to mush. I want it to be mesh. This isn’t a mesh. It’s more of a puree. My chicken’s done, but I’m running out of time to do this mayonnaise. Why did not do the mayonnaise earlier? 3,2. Oh.

Stop. Hold on, bro. Sorry. Come in.