Conversations by the Seaside: A Nighttime Beach Stroll

Sorry. Do you have children? I do not. Okay. I do not. Okay, that was okay. Any questions over here? Like, are you spontaneous? Absolutely. You like to go outside? That’s the only reason I’m here. Beach at night or something? Like, I love long walks on the beach. I said at night. Absolutely. Okay. I just, you know, if I just like a fun person. Okay. Ha ha. Alright. Okay. We’ll be back. Did she get jealous? Are you then? Haha. Okay. Why do we end up popping? Um, I. I ended up popping my balloon just cause, um, the connection. Um. I did want to actually get to hear you and know more stuff, but at the end I just wasn’t feeling the connection at the end of it. But very handsome and you got yourself going. Thank you. Okay. Alright. Are you a family person? Like, do you like to go to other people, like your significant other’s family? And are you um. Actually. Actually, um. Do you interact or you just sit there and. I’m the uncle with the slides on at the barbecue. Okay. Haha. Okay. She says, say what? Haha. Okay, let me bring you on up. Come on. He said, I’m the uncle with the slides on at the barbecue. Yes. Girl, what is going on here? She just won the lottery of men, huh? I’m happy that she happy. So I’m really feeling the vibe, so.