Unfiltered Growth: The Transformation of Lily Bloom

Y’all, I cussed the fuck out of Lily Bloom and she grew the fuck up. I mean, look at this bitch. Look at her. She’s all like, out of the shrubs and shit. She really came up and said, are you talking to me? Cause if you watch the video where I yelled at her before, she was hella down here. She was hella down here, but now she’s all the fuck way up here. Like, she has emerged out of these shrubs and said, bitch, what the fuck are you yelling at me for, huh? What? My point being, yelling at dumbass bitches sometimes works, right? Lily, my Lily, you will now know that pad Thai and sushi are not the same thing. And because you have that knowledge now, you have grown so fucking much. That’s how you were able to emerge out of your stupidity, aka shrubs. Good for you, bitch. I’m proud of you, my Lily. My morning breath. Sorry, bitch. Don’t die.