Exclusive Taste Test: Trying the Viral Olympic Muffin from France at Shiki Matcha in New York City

What’s up, guys? We’re here outside of the Shiki matcha. The viral Olympic muffins have been shipped here from France. They’re getting unloaded off the truck right now. We’re the only place in New York that’s been able to get them, and they invited me to try them today before they’re open to the public tomorrow while supplies last. So let’s do it. Right. Okay, here’s the boxes. We’re putting them inside right now. All of them. Yay! We’re in the back. It’s officially time to try the Olympic muffin. This muffin has gone through FDA approval, customs, everything. A plane? Yeah. It’s more well traveled than we are. More well traveled than us, which is hard to come by nowadays. And it’s straight from France. Last French thing in my mouth. As we all know, we’re not gonna. Guys, look how gooey that is. Oh, my god. My gosh, it looks so gooey. The chocolate on top, but, like, I feel like I have a part of Olympia in me. You know what I mean? That is so good. Oh, my god. God. Wow. Make sure to stop by a seat. Is there chocolate on my mouth? Just, like, right here. Okay. Make sure to stop by a shiki tomorrow. There’s how many muffins? A thousand here. 999 muffins now because my big booty ate one. But stop by a shiki tomorrow in the East Village to get your Olympic muffin like nobody else in America can. Mwah! I love You