Chronically Late Confessions: Embracing the Excuses and Solutions

if you’re my best friends who just made a reservation for 8:30 and told me eight uh well played because I just showed up at 8:22 and was like to the hostess oh like this table for 8:00 and she was like for 8:30 oh she was like you’re the first one here and I was like should she be embarrassed by this should she be humiliated like we all have that friend who’s chronically late I’m ashamed to admit that I am the chronically late person my wife drives her crazy hi you said that you were gonna explain why you’re always late what is your explanation okay so if I had got to meet a friend say for coffee at 4 yeah what I should do is say okay for 4:00 I wanna be there I really wanna be there at 3:55 the travel time from X to y is 15 minutes it takes me a minute to put my shoes on plus I have to do all the busy work before I leave so that’s an extra five minutes and five minutes to cloth the hair right and then I’m gonna have a shower before I leave so I need to get in the shower by 3:00 if I wanna leave at 3:35 but I have a bit of work to do so I need to start that at two this is what I should do to map out what happens is it’s 3:15 oh I just gotta send three more emails take a quick shower and then I’ll be on my way and I’ll be there on time and inevitably I’m 50 minutes late but here’s the part I love about you though is like you can openly admit that you are late to everything and still not change yes you just that is amazing you provided a solution for yourself Karen I know you walked yourself through it and then you still choose not to do it it’s true that isn’t me I am amazing just just be on time do you know how many business meetings I’ve showed up too sweaty because I’m hustling to get there and I sit down at the table for the lunch or whatever and like but like were you were you on time at the very least even though you were hustling within that five minute Grace period for sure no dear within a five minute actually you know what five minutes is not that bad