The Chronicles of Dating: A Rollercoaster of Emotions and Encounters

So the date was bad, but we’re forever. Yeah, well, I know who to call when I’m looking for a bad time. Cheers. You forgot to eat the oyster. I didn’t know how to do it. Haha. After the last date, I sought out therapy. I started reading books. Eat, Pray, Love era. It was more like watching movies and like, Understanding love a bit more. Shawshank Redemption. We have such a good dynamic, and I just knew I had to have someone like you in my life. Look at this shrimp. Do you notice something different about me? Oh, you got your nails done. I thought you were referring to your shrimp as in my. I see all the dates you go on. It looks like you’re having tons of fun. You’re kissing all these men. I’m not kissing anyone. But you keep going on all these dates. Are you jealous? A little bit. I’ve been going on dates, but I haven’t found the one. Why not? I’ve been waiting for you. Shut up. I’ve been watching girls to make you better or worse. And I’m seeing a lot of Hannah. That’s really rude. Actually, you know what? So rude. You may be the first guy that I’ll throw a drink in your face. Oh my god. Should we? If I didn’t have a rest of my day. You have another date after this? Haha. It’s a nice establishment. Will you shut the fuck up? Can I try your Drink. This is the worst day of my life. Fuck. Your drink’s good. You’re gonna make someone so happy. Don’t refer to yourself as just someone. Are you texting your next date already? Jared, I love that I believe in giving second chances. And thank you for proving that I’m never fucking. Haha. Oh thank you. I need it after this haha.