Embracing the Masculine and Feminine Qualities: A Reflection on Humanity’s Essence

Give me three to five masculine qualities. Bravery. Willingness to take risk. Protection. Strength. Confidence. Now, if I were Elon Musk and I wanted to build an army of robots, you would imbue these robots with all of the qualities that you just mentioned. You don’t want it to ask itself how it’s feeling. You want it to be sensitive or weak, right? You want it to have a sense of direction, a clear purpose. To be strong, to be brave, to take physical risks. Now, let’s list off three to five feminine qualities. Compassion. Ability to listen. Nurturing. Movement. Passion. If we then wanted to imbue life into the robot, right, we’d give it all of the feminine qualities. When you look at that, you say, oh, my god. We are literally raising this generation of boys to become robots, to become these sheep that don’t think for themselves. Yet the everything we need to become human beings is already in us. We’ve just deemed them weak. And we’ve taught our young boys to hate those parts of themselves. And sometimes I think about god and just the pain that god is in looking down at his, her, their children. I gave it to you all. It’s all innate in each of you. Why are you choosing to reject the things that make you human? That make you compassionate and empathetic and sensitive? They are the cures for all of the ills plaguing humanity today.