The Ethical Dilemma of Procreation: Exploring the Intersection of Rights and Responsibilities

Nobody is trying to force you to procreate. No one would want to force that. Even if we could force you to procreate, we wouldn’t. The issue is that once you have conceived a child, procreation has already occurred. So it’s. It’s too late at that point to not procreate. You already have. The question is whether it’s okay to murder your own offspring because you’re sad about the fact that you procreated. And the answer is no, it’s not okay. That. That’s our. Our point. But these activists, like so many activists on the left, refuse to be told no. They can’t accept it. They want you to know that nothing is more important to them than the ability to kill their own children, not to just the judicial system or even the country itself. Hence the chant.