Reflections on Critique and Progress: My Federal Duck Stamp Competition Journey

This is why I won’t win the Federal Duck Stamp competition. This video is basically tradition at this point. I will start out by saying that I am proud, and no matter what, I know I’ve improved this year, and that is always the goal. But I probably won’t win. One of the biggest reasons is that I chose a weird duck. People’s opinions. To each their own, but ugly duck bias is definitely a thing. There’s a reason that normal looking ducks such as mallards, wood ducks, pintails, canvasbacks have won like more than six times and spectacle Dyer has won once. And although my lighting has improved, I can’t seem to not make a cold painting. And literally on the submission form they recommend warm colors, but iders are sea ducks, and I have a lot of water, and I will say not all of my water is hitting it out of the park. I know I still have areas to improve in both landscape and the subject. And my biggest struggle while making this painting was definitely composition. I could not figure out how I wanted the waves to be, and I was too stubborn to just do a smooth background. I wanted there to be mountains, and I am happy I went with that decision. But my goddess ax looking amazing with that warm, smooth, foggy, atmospheric background. So good job, Cass. I might take inspiration next year, but I do think my painting also has A lot going for it. Popcorn looks good. Small, but the background does get a bit muddled. But ultimately, you never know. You never know what the judges are gonna pick. It’s always a new set, and it’s foolish to expect anything, but, boy, am I excited. September 19th and 20th. Be there or just have a worst day, I guess.