Unveiling Verity: A Thrilling Novel by Colleen Hoover

okay I decided to make this quick video right I just got to work but I have to talk about this because I keep seeing videos of people asking what is verity about by Colleen Hoover and I am obsessed with that movie not movie oh my god it’s about to be a movie but it’s a novel anyways it is the best book I have ever read because the twist the twist had be dead anyways y’all so verity is about this woman named Lowen it’s been a while since I read this book and I’ve read like nine books since I’ve read this book so forgive me if if I’m a little off or this video is all over the place it’s about a struggling author who um her mother just passed away uh she don’t really have a lot of confidence in herself and she is on her way to a meeting about a future book or I don’t know she’s on her way to a meeting with her publicist or her agent anyways right before the meeting she witnesses an accident in New York City and I think this gentleman passed away and there was someone next to her during this accident that saw what happened and he decides to help her they go into a cafe in the bathroom he gives her his shirt and he’s very um attentive and a very nice man and so they kinda like share some ugly truths I don’t I don’t know what else to say he tells her that he had I think he told her he one of his kids passed away she shares that her mother passed away I think they both was trying to one up the other person like this isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed somebody dying on the street and then she later on she goes to the meeting and the guy in the meeting or no okay she goes to the meeting and basically there’s this famous author named Verity Crawford oh I think that’s verity’s last name she goes to the meeting but verity um she hasn’t been writing in a while because word on the street is she’s been in an accident herself her husband is speaking on her behalf in the meeting and her husband is Jeremy the same guy that Lowen met during the accident outside in New York City that helped her in that bathroom the same guy that gave her his shirt so he tries to talk her into writing for his wife to finish her successful uh series I think it’s like thriller series that his wife is is known for um somehow he talks her into it so she goes to their house a few days later so she can go into Verity’s office and go through all of her work and try to figure out if she’s even capable of filling in for Verity and also just to get to know her now while she’s there she stumble upons verity’s manuscripts and she starts reading it and she gets to know verity a little better but she finds out that verity is first of all obsessed with her husband but also she was jealous Verity was jealous of her own children now while all of this is going on we learn that verity and Jeremy had three kids but there’s only one kid that is living so throughout the story you’re reading verity’s manuscript you’re also reading um Lowen’s point of view so you’re in the present you know what’s going on in the present oh and also verity she can’t even speak she can’t speak she can’t walk she can’t take care of herself so there’s a nurse or two nurses that come to the house to help out her son um spends a lot of time with her it’s it’s the story’s a little creepy um we just learn a lot we learn about Jeremy and Verity from beginning to now I don’t want to spoil the book but I will say this what can I say to not give it away um I was definitely team letter that’s all I’m gonna say you have to make it to the end of the book to know what I’m talking about but I promise you when I say this Colleen Hoover gets a lot of hate she is not popular right now I mean she is because she just had a movie that came out but this is the best book I’ve ever read you will not be disappointed if you choose to read this book it is definitely worth it and I think a lot of people that have read books by Colleen because typically Colleen she writes a lot of romance novels this was her first time writing like a suspense mystery thriller book and she didn’t disappoint the book is incredible I promise you please read the book and and save this video favourite this video if you have to come back to this video and let me think and let me know what you think about it