Flexibility and Mindfulness in Teaching: A Process Rundown

What’s up, y’all? Thought that I would give you a little bit of a rundown on my process as I semi get ready, aka put lotion on. It’s pretty much all I need to do. Um, but when I teach classes, especially like master classes or like convention style classes, um, one thing, and if you’ve taken my class, you know this, it’s kind of weird is, um, I usually know kind of what I wanna do, but I don’t really know how I want it to look until I get into the room and we start doing stuff with the kids. Um, and the reason for that is because I just. So many times while teaching, I’ve run into the situation where I’ve prepared so much ahead of time. And then what I find as a creative and just as an artist is because I put so much time into that creation, I want to do it exactly that way. And I disregard sort of the energy, the capabilities or even what that class in specific needs. So I’ve shifted that, um, a lot over the years and sort of have been fine tuning and perfecting it to where now I’m really trying to be mindful of who’s in the room, what the vibe is, what the feeling is, um, and how those kids are doing and what they need in that specific moment. And that I’m catering class around then. So, you know, whether it’s using improv or A few exercises in the beginning to gauge the class. That’s kind of how I go about teaching these classes, um, when I do them.