Title: Strategies for Increasing Income to Manage Debt Payments

If you have debt payments exceeding this percentage a month, you likely have an income problem and need to start finding ways to make more money. I keep getting this question from people asking me if I can help them. And I’ll look at some people’s budgets and I’ll actually have to tell them no, because their debt payments, minimum debt payments, are far exceeding like over 50% of what they’re bringing in a month. So if your debt payments are more than really 35% of your take home pay a month, and anything over 50 is a huge red flag in this, then you have to find ways to increase your income if you want to be able to make traction with paying off your debt, with being able to save, with being able to actually be able to invest. And until you can do that, until you’re able to reduce expenses, if you can, the things that you can, and really be able to make more, even temporarily, right? Like sometimes even just like $500, a couple hundred dollars or $500 a month really is gonna change your financial situation. So look at your debt percentages, and if that’s exceeding over 35% of your income every month, you’re likely going to have to take some drastic measures and do some things that you might not wanna do, which is what I had to do temporarily. I worked, you know, couple extra jobs so that I can make An extra $500,000 a month every weekend. And was able to finally be able to get ahead. Remember that it doesn’t have to be long term. You should look at this as temporary. But you can’t have that much percentage in minimum debt payments and think that you’re gonna be able to get ahead long term. And as always, if you need more help or if you wanna coach with me, check out the Money Life coach dot com. I wanna be able to help you finally get ahead. Take control of your spending, get on a budget and be able to sustain your lifestyle that you deserve.