Morning Routine: Gym, Pool Day, and Family Prep Fun

How you guys spend the morning with us. I did wanna clear comment up that I got yesterday. How many months am I? It’s just my mom, Billy, babe, I’m on my parade. So maybe that’s making a little bit worse. But if I identify now, I was pregnant today, I would be on my way to the clinic instead of the gym. Let’s get ready for the day. Recommend webinar. If let me it AirPods or has been a flying here living in my apartment rent free and has been dragging me crazy.

Is it okay mama? Excuse me, we are also gonna be going to the pool right after I’m done with the gym. So I am packing snacks for vacuum, packing for the pool is literally so stressful. But this is what I have. Towels for the babies, towel for me, kinsuit for the babies, swimsuit for me, swimshoes for the baby, swimshoes for me, sunscreen for the babies. I’ll just use their sunscreen. Baby wash, swim diapers, yapes and regular diapers have a lot of fruit, veggie chips. And I do have an extra change of clothes for me as well, meant to pack these juices in there as well. We’re gonna go by. Okay, all the. Oh, done. Almost forgot to pack lotion in the bag. Careful. Excuse me.

But. Yeah, you don’t know.

As we just made it to the gym and I’m pretty sure the girls are asleep, but I’m gonna take a little pre workout scoop. But let’s go get this workout in because we need to get these ABS flat and this ass. Did you have a good nap?

Rodeado de lujo, sin los materiales, siempre buena vida me dieron mis padres el viejo en el cielo, siempre de guiarme. Saquen la vida, salgan bien.