Insightful Review: Harnessing the Power of Facebook and for Fast and Effective Ad Creation

first one lives right inside of Facebook it’s okay it could do better but it’s getting there so during the ad creation process I literally uploaded the product image and it generated five images I don’t like how it puts the words over the top of the product ones to the side are okay but overall they’re not too bad looking the next one is one I think you guys should all use you can literally use it as if it’s like mid journey and I’m gonna show you some examples so all we do is give it the mock up tell the background we want but we wanted to sit on adjust the shadowing and I say it looks pretty freaking natural even with like the light reflection right there from the candle that beautiful sunset this is something we honestly use in our agency for our clients when we need to make multiple different creatives really really fast we take the item plug it into an environment that it would naturally be in and then run them to see how they do