Photography Journey: From Rejection to Success – Lessons Learned and Tips for Beginners

I got rejected from beginners photography school when I was 21 because I didn’t know enough about cameras or photography make it make sense I literally joined the class so that I could learn how to use my camera and how to take photographs it was kind of mental to me that I literally got rejected from this course for not knowing enough about the thing I was trying to learn about anyway jokes on them because fast forward many years later and I’m a full time self employed photographer who is booked and blessed for the rest of this year and here are a couple of things that I wish somebody had said to me when I was at the start of my journey first of all once you got the basics down pat you don’t need to overcomplicate it I feel like I got so caught up in the whole concept of I need to be a really technical professional photographer I need to know everything about everything as long as you know the basics and how to get your camera to work to your favour then really that’s all you need to know of course if you wanted to get really technical you can but I have built a very very solid business on knowing the basics on how to use my camera and I have felt that’s gotten me through everything that I needed it to so don’t overcomplicate it the second thing is you do not need crazy gear and 100 lenses to get started a basic camera body and a basic lens just to get you started is enough you what you really wanna focus on is this harnessing your real basic technical skills and then going out and training your eye you can sit and learn and logicify everything out of photography where it comes to your lenses and your cameras and all of this kind of stuff but at the end of the day practice is what makes perfect and the third thing that I wish I was told right at the start is it gonna be pretty shit to start with and that’s okay you cannot expect to be an amazingly perfect photographer when you’re starting out it’s just unrealistic and the thing is if you’re not looking back on your work from years ago and cringing then you’re not progressing and you’re not growing and that should be the most important part if you’re new to photography you’re a beginner or you’re thinking about doubling and getting into it feel free to pop any questions you have in the comments below be more than happy to answer as I said these are just the things that I wish that somebody had told me when I started out and I feel like I could have progressed through my beginner shit phase a lot quicker if somebody was like I just shared these things