Prodigal Return: A Three-Year Update on ‘What You Watching’ and a Farewell from Billy

Some stylish black top, big T-shirt. Billy, what you watching? What you doing? What are you supposed to be doing right now? Hmm. Not this, probably. You see, um, I haven’t filmed one of these what you watching videos in literally three years. It’s been three years since I last filmed one of these, and I see that you’re still watching. How productive have you been the last three years, huh? You see, I’m filming this mainly because I’m. I’m moving out of this home. I moved into a new home, and I’m like, I have to film in here one more time because, I mean, I have to keep checking up on you, making sure you’re staying productive. So, um. I don’t know if I’ll be able to ever do this again, so I’m just gonna rely on you. Maybe I’ll check back in another three years. We’ll see. But in the meantime, you’re supposed to be doing something. So go. Don’t do it.