Effective Tips for Saving Money and Reaching Your Financial Goals by December

December is here and it’s four months to go. So if you don’t have anything saved up, here are two tips to help you choose the amount of money that you want to have saved up by December. If you want 12,000 shillings by December right now, intentionally save 3,000 shillings in the next four months intentionally. Tip No. 2, separate your savings from the normal account that you use for transactions. Don’t use the same account. You can’t save in the same account. It’s almost impossible because you’re going to be finding yourself touching that money. So have two separate accounts. If you save with Empesa, have a K, C, B Empesa and the normal Empesa account. One for saving, one for transaction. If it’s a bank account, have a bank account for a bank savings account and then a normal account for the normal transactions. Or you can have like an m m F account. You can have a Bond Plus account, you can have a Sacco account. Whichever way that you choose, separate your savings from the normal account that you use for transactions. Hope this helps.