Exploring 90s Hip-Hop: Controversial Lyrics and Questionable Choices

The 90s hip hop. What are you playing on? Yeah, a lot of stuff. And I’ll admit it’s not appropriate, but I also feel like they’ll get over that. Yeah, you know, he doesn’t even. But hold on, you don’t? Cause I’ll make sure. Like, is this song about. Is the song about, like, what’s the song about? Maybe I shouldn’t play, you know, dirty things. Yeah, he doesn’t even think about. Like, does this song have the N word dropped in it? A thousand times. Yeah. Pull up the lyrics. Yeah. So I was playing, uh, Lynch mob, uh, gorillas. I think we’re gonna need, um. I need to jump in on this, but, um. So, you know, it’s like. Yeah, so come down and beware of the black fist, right? Jesus Christ! The gorilla straight motherfucking in the mist. Take a shot. Fuck! Fuck! No, you can’t forge. Never thought you’d see South Central in the forest. Oh, wow. Yeah, he’s playing this for our seven and four year old boy. Who is Randy, don’t bring anyone loving to this. Your mama the fucking said