Plaud NotePin: A Wearable Voice Recorder for Easy Note Summarization

I feel like that you’re gonna try to convince some people to buy this thing. I’m telling you already immediately saying that. Do you want to see it? I have it. You have it? This thing is called the Plaud NotePin. We’re just in this phase of everybody launching little tiny voice recorders that then use ChatGPT to summarize whatever they hear. This one is just cool cause it’s like a little… It’s a little guy. It comes with a lanyard and a clip. Oh and a thing you can wear on your wrist. So the idea is like it’s a, it’s a wearable. You tap it. You talk to it. It summarizes your notes. Is that anything? I don’t know. But this is like, this is the thing right, like Microsoft Recall is a version of this. The limitless thing which you talked about is a version of this. This idea of like, how do we make it easy for you to input all of your stuff into an AI system and then it will make something out of that for you is like a the big new product question for a lot of these companies. I don’t know if any of it amounts to anything. I have just been sitting here like, yelling thoughts into this thing all day. And it just keeps transcribing them. Being like you need to remember that your meeting is in an hour. I’m like is this useful? What did I get from this? This is like what were those journals of the pens in the the notebooks had. Oh. Livescribe. The dots. Yeah. I wanted to be a Livescribe person so bad. So bad and now it’s a little trashy AI bubble device. I look forward to your review. I encourage everyone to wait for the inevitable review.