Texas Roadhouse Server Cash Budgeting: Making Financial Moves After a Friday Night Shift

I just got home from my Friday night shift at Texas Roadhouse, so let’s cash budget. What I made tonight, I made 2 20. So let’s go ahead and jump in. My numbers are gonna be a little funny today, cause I only had 20s. I was able to break one of them, but that’s it. So we have 75 going in my rent folder. This also covers all of my utilities and stuff. I just put it all in one spot because it’s way easier for me. And next folder is gas. This normally gets 30 bucks a shift, but it’s gonna get 40. And I’m just only gonna put 20 in tomorrow because I only have 20, so I can’t break it down any smaller. So we’re gonna put 40 in the gas folder, and I do have to do a lot of driving this next week, so honestly, I might keep it, but I don’t know. We’ll figure out what we’re gonna do. So same thing for health. This normally gets 30 a shift, but it’s gonna get 40 today. Um, I did tweak my back at work, so I might end up using the extra money to go get, like, I don’t know, something to help with that. But I’ll just put 20 in tomorrow instead of 30 to kind of balance that out. And then my groceries is gonna get 20 bucks. Um, I keep my grocery budget really low if I can. I shop Mostly at, like, Aldi and Trader Joe’s. So I tend to hit between, like, 40 and 60 a week. That’s gonna go in there. And then I’m only gonna put $5 in the folder for my mom, cause that’s kind of all I have to put there today. Um, a lot of you guys have asked what I do with my money from TikTok. I do send her some of that TikTok money. So, like, all the money I made from views from the month of July, um, I sent to her, and that was, I think, like, 87 bucks. So I haven’t got my money from August yet. I’ll get that, like, September 15th, so, yeah. So I had five in there. And then I am gonna put $40 in my apartment things funds because we need to buy a kitchen table, and I’m trying to make that happen, like, this week. You get a kitchen table and chairs, and even on, like, Facebook Marketplace, those are still, like, pretty expensive to get something that’s, like, kind of cute. I’m not, like, wanting, like, the most trendy, modern slay thing I can get my hands on, but I do want to, like, get something that I at least, like, can tolerate. So I’m trying to keep it under 200 for a dining set, including chairs, but we’ll see. So that is it for today, y’all. Um, was hoping my double was gonna be a lot better than it was, but You know, you just gotta roll with the punches. So hopefully tomorrow is better. I don’t really know, because tomorrow is, um, the UGA versus Clemson game, and I’m scared that we’re gonna be really dead as a result. So we’ll see. But if y’all want to get your own budget binder and start cash budgeting, especially my servers and bartenders, cause I know you spend all your cash like I used to, you can get it from the TikTok shop right here or from Amazon in my bio. But I will see y’all after my volume tomorrow, so bye, y’all.