Navigating the Back to School Maze: Tips and Support for Parents of SEND Children

so it is back to school time guys and it is a very worrying time for a lot of us with send children whether they’re going to mainstream or send school whether they’re starting transport or even if you’re home educating it can be a time that brings a lot of changes which of course brings meltdowns and things we want you all to know that we are here and to give you some tips and things that might help you get through it like it’s helped us so this is to those of you who are still fighting to get your children the right educational setting I see you and I’m right there with you here are a few tips that can help you along the way document everything emails phone calls letters keep it all know your rights familiarize yourself with all the laws and policies that will protect your children’s educational rights don’t be afraid to push back or question things that don’t feel right to you even if it means that this is going to be an uphill battle build a sport network make friends these are the people that are going to help you through this process if home ed is what you’ve chosen and you’re just starting out when you start don’t put so much pressure on yourself and don’t be so tough on yourself it’s gonna be hard for you both to get into the swing of it just take it easy and enjoy it my top tip for back to school would definitely be to go at the child space um take things slowly um you know that your child may struggle with routines uh changes the buildings maybe new teachers new environments um so just go at their place and let them tell you what they’re able to manage and what then not able to manage so well um yeah try not to panic as well um I know it’s much easier said than done as that’s exactly what I’ll be doing but yeah try not to panic