Title: Navigating Success and Education in a Changing World

What’s it even like going to school now, knowing that you make your teacher yearly salary in a day? Um, if you want me to keep it 100% honest, I was missing so much school, they unenrolled me and I just got reenrolled last week, so it’s cool. But I don’t really talk about it too much. Like, the students there knowing everything, but, um, I don’t talk about it. My teachers know. Yo, okay, like. Okay, am I, like, crazy for thinking this, but if you’re hustling, you’re learning. School is just an avenue to learn. You can always go back and get your GED. But this opportunity might not be here forever. If I had a kid and nigga was 16 and he had a business blown up, like, I want him to get his GED, but it doesn’t have to happen right now. I always want my kid learning, you feel me? This learning he’s doing right now, running these businesses, is just, so you guys know, infinitely more valuable than anything the schools can teach you. You just. It’s just nice to have your GED. It’s just. It’s just a matter of discipline, because it’s like, that’s the least you could fucking do when you. Later on in life, you can come back and get his GED if you want. He’s about to graduate. It doesn’t matter. I was one year away from finishing uni and I did the same thing. I just took. I just Took a leave. I didn’t drop out. But then, you know, after three years of leave, it’s considered to drop out.