Movie Madness: A Killer in Scotland, Family Drama, and Teenage Investigations

What’s up y’all? So I’m back with three movie recommendations. So if you don’t have nothing to watch, check these three movies out. So in this movie, this murderer is on the loose in Scotland. The local police are terrified and they called these detectives, Sam from Chicago. These detectives were investigating this murder and spree that happened five years ago that had the same pattern as the one that just happened in Scotland. The killer is only going after women. But I do like how in this movie that the women were fighting back. But I don’t want to say too much about this movie. I’ll go watch it on TV and let me know your thoughts. Let’s get into this next movie. When I tell you I love this movie. Father of the bride. And it was a ten out of ten and everybody needs to go to HBO Max and watch it cause it was good. So in this movie, the bride’s mother and father have a secret, but so does the daughter. And when she comes back in town, she drops this bomb secret that she’s getting married to a guy that she met in Mexico. Of course, the father is taken back by this and he tries to take over her wedding, y’all. Then to make matters worse, the grooms family comes in and the dad is a whole headcase himself. Now both families must come together for the wedding. And y’all, it was a Mess, parents be so funny to me. Because at the end of the day, I feel like you can have an opinion, but you can’t come in trying to ruin stuff and put your own perspective and stuff on something that’s not yours. But I wanna say too much about this movie. Y’all go check it out on HBO Max and let me know your thoughts in the comments. Let’s get into this last movie. When I tell y’all, people better tell their kids to stop being so freaking nosy. So in this movie, this teenager becomes convinced that her new neighbor is a dangerous killer. When I tell y’all, I don’t know what I would do in this situation, but I promise you I wouldn’t be trying to dig and figure it out myself. That’s not my job. I’m not no detective. However, when nobody believes her, she decides that she’s gonna take it into her own hands and convince everybody that he is the dangerous killer. Y’all, I don’t know what be wrong with people, because sometimes you need to mind your business. Because at the end of the day, when you’re going to figure this out, you’re putting yourselves in a harm way. Now, but I don’t wanna say too much about this one. I watched it on lifetime and it is free. So y’all go check it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments.