Sausage-Stuffed Eggplant Dressing: A Flavorful Adventure

Eggplant dressing. You ain’t gonna Wanna miss this video. Oh, you looking at my side, Gurt? Dude, let’s get it. Let’s work on them old eggplants, dude. Look how pretty they are right out the garden. Slice them right in half. Look at that right there. Boom, boom. Sharp knife right through there, baby. Cool. Now we’re gonna take them like that. Got a little olive oil, paint them down. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Getting greasy on you, dude. We’re gonna make a dressing and then we’re gonna stuff some. Dude, look. Two step fire. Not necessary, but it’s always necessary. Boom. Got your little pan right here. Got your oven at 3:50. Sound down like that. In the oven it goes, my dude. Oh, come on, sir. Ah, put that in the oven. Oh, get that in me, dude. Check that out, dude. Coming at you, but let that cool off. We’re gonna Rake all that goodness out the inside and restuff that. Dude. We’re gonna start this old dressing off with a rule, dude. Equals part Earl, equal parts fly. Well, dude, get the stirring. And the key is you gotta keep stirring. But you let it sit every now and then, and then you scrape it. That’s what gives you the beautiful color. Check that out, dude. That’s the color I like. I’m not going for a Rue record today, bro. This is what I wanted to look like. The Holy Trinity and the garlic. Get That in there. Listen to that. Shazam, dude. Eggplants going down today, dude. Looking good, looking good. Oh, yeah. I wish you could smell that, dude. We got the kitchen going down now. Scrape them bottoms like that. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Elk, ground meat and some boar meat. Breakfast sausage going right in with that. Brown that down with everything. Some people cook that in a separate pan, but you’re losing the flavor, dude. Get that in there. Brown that down. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. That old Elk round meat. Trying to clean the freezer, dude. Hunting seasons getting here, coming along. Nice two step fire. Put the season on that sucker, dude. The new Cayenne. Get back, you some, dude. Put a little spice in your life. Now let all that come together. We’re gonna brown that down about 10 minutes. A little beef, bone marrow stock in there like that, dude. Then we’re gonna start gutting out these old eggplants, dude. And we’re gonna restuff it. Boom! Let’s get another one. Look how pretty that is right there. Come on out of there, baby. Make some little boots like that. Ho, ho. Look how pretty that come out, dude. Let’s make that old dress. And I got some more white rice right here. We’ll get that in there a little bit at a time, and we’re gonna mix it until it’s the consistency I like my dress on, dude. Let us mix that in there. And that’s gonna suck up all that good juice. Boom, boom. We gonna put more rice than that, but you get the picture, dude. Boom, boom. Check that boat. That boat of good eggplant right there. That’s going back into. You know, it’s hot when you’re sweating in the shower, dude. Cool. Mix that in like that. Beautiful. Let that all come together. Dressing for the win. Boom. Prettiness. You can eat that just like that, dude. But it ain’t eggplant dressing until you put the eggplant in there. Beautiful. Now we’re gonna let that cook down 5, 6 minutes. Build our little boats right there. A little eggplant battleships. That’s what I’m gonna call it. You got the oven back at 3:50, dude. I’m gonna fill them up. Look at that right there. Beautiful. Check that out. Check that out. Boom, Boom. Boom, boom, boom. Making a mess. Making a mess is what I do. Over stuff that sucker. It’s gonna be falling out in the. In the oven, dude. Look at that right there. And I’m gonna take it like this. Crackers. Ritz crackers. You can use bread crumbs. I like using Ritz crackers. Like that. Check that out. Boom. In the oven it goes till them crackers are brown. And while we wait, we’re gonna hydrate. You heard that, dude? You heard that, dude? You heard that, dude? That was the ding, ding, ding, ding. Right here, baby. Look how pretty they came out, dude. Now, that’s definitely cracker worthy right there. What do you think, pecker? Man, it looks like shit. God, party mouth. Check that plate out, dude. Let me give it a little run right there. A little slice, a little eggplant, get a little dressing on there like that. Hmm. Hmm. But you know what we gotta do? Make a cracker. Assistance! I’m glad you can make it back to the show. Put that on a cracker, dude. Sausage bomb! Lights out, Keegan D! Whoa!