Leaving Apple: My Experience with Management and Seeking Fair Treatment

this question has come up a lot why did I leave apple mostly because of management at my store and I wanna be very clear most apple stores don’t have this issue I thoroughly enjoy working at apple benefits were great co workers were great it was awesome I’ve literally sent complaints to HR telling them like there’s some illegal ship happening that your managers are just ignoring doing themselves you should probably look into that nothing’s happened if anything It’s gotten worse apparently there was just a click of like these managers that because of the power they hold they felt like they could do and say whatever the duck they want one of them got fired basically they said some racist ship in front of a customer that’s what you ducking get you know with any job you want besides job security the ability to be promoted into higher positions it just felt a little like we like you in this position so shut the duck up and stay in your ducking lane you’re gonna treat your employees like ship and think that that’s okay for a company that’s completely against that the hell are you doing I gave it one final like last ditch attempt I was meeting with the store manager and being like can you try to find a resolution cause this is not okay I got “schedule a meeting with a different manager not me” you’re each assigned like a specific manager to basically talk to the store manager was mine and they really said to find a different one What the duck what are you doing I see your ass watching YouTube videos in the office it’s a ducking glass office you think we can’t see what you’re doing I really chalk it up to just Bad location I hope that all made sense